September 2024 Athletes of the Month

James Cronin

If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life. – Michael Jordan

This fall season has been one of our best. We have had over 200 boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 18 working hard 2-3 times a week in the baseball/softball season. That is insane! One of the players who has stood out, not just this year, but every year he has participated in the fall, is James Cronin. Congratulations James, our September Athlete of the Month.

James has been coming to our fall and winter clinics for over 4 years now and he has always worked hard, listened well, and showed great respect towards his peers and coaches. His great qualities have rubbed off on his younger brother Patrick as well, who very much looks up to his older brother. Dave Griffin, who has been working with James for two years now says, “Every time James comes into BBC, he has a purpose. His goal is to get better every single time. Whether it’s for a lesson or a practice he’s there to get better, with no wasted time. His hard work and determination solidifies that each time he leaves BBC, he is a better player than he was when he arrived.” Joe Vannelli, James’s Fall Baseball Coach said “Every practice James shows up with the right attitude. He never is goofing off or has an attitude of why am I here. He continues to learn, asks questions when needed and is willing to help his teammates get better. James is a great example of how a bandit should approach the game of baseball. He is constantly putting his head down and working and the results speak for themselves. There is no person this fall that I have seen that deserves this award more.”

James, we are so very proud of you. You are very deserving of this award and we expect great things from you in the future.

Thank You Jim Joyce